Last year the family and I were supposed to go camping at Fort Desoto but life unfortunately got in the way and we were unable to go. I called the campground and they said that my reservations could be used anytime within the next year without any additional fee, so I planned a girls trip to go camping for my friend and I. A little time away from work, kids and life to just enjoy nature and relax. It was about a 2 hour drive that was very pleasant and seemed like it flew by. We arrived around 2:30 on Friday and registered then we were off to the site. We were very happy to see that it was extremely shady and only 10ft or so away from the restrooms.

We wanted to check out everything so we started at one end of the park and work our way back to the otherside. We rounded the corner to see a bunch of kites in the air and upon closer inspection there were a bunch of guys kite boarding. It looked like a lot of fun, but also a ton of work trying to keep yourself on the board and your kite up in the air. I would have loved to try this at least once. We were also able to see the Skybridge from this area.

After exploring the entire area by car we decided to get out and check out the old Fort. It was pretty cool, not much of it still stands except for the area were the guns were held and you could climb up to the top of the Fort, which was beautiful to see the Gulf and the Pier.

By this time I needed something to drink due to the heat and the fact that a blue raspberry snow cone sounded awesome. We decided to stop and hang out for a little while watching the birds trying to get all of the fish. I ordered a medium and this is what I got, I would hate to see what there larges look like.

After our snow cones we decided to head back and eat some lunch and check on our site. After lunch (which was like 6:00) by this point we just hung out and enjoyed the site and around 7:30 decided to head back to the pier for the sunset. I am so glad we did because it was just amazing.

It was so peaceful and relaxing and then out of nowhere we had dolphins jumping around us everywhere. Off course everytime they came near I was kayaking and wasn't able to get to the camera in time. I was able to get one pic of them when they were around 4 ft from the boat. 

The Mangrove trees were very interesting to look at and they made up little islands everywhere. We eventually made our way out into the bay and continued to explore. It was a lot of fun, but also quite a bit of work. Especially when we were kayaking against the current. Luckily for us we got into a groove and was able to speed along. 

Sunday we woke up around 7:30am and broke down the site and was back on the round around 9:00am heading for home. It was a wonderful time and I would strongly recommend this to everyone!!!!
Below is the link for the Fort DeSoto area. You can look up the beaches, park and even the campground information all from this site. The sites run around $30/night and all have water and electric hookups.