
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Falling Waters State Park - Chipley, FL

Around the end of January, Duane and I took a mini vacation.  I have been wanting to go to the Florida State Caverns for a while now and we thought this would be a perfect time.  Since the caverns and the highest water fall in Florida are several hours away from our house, we decided to hit both of them.  The Saturday we arrived in Chipley was a brisk and very windy day.  I was not expecting the waterfall to be as beautiful as it was. 

They even have a little butterfly and hummingbird garden area.

Along along the walk way there were many sink holes to check out - It would be extremely scary walking through these woods befoe the walkways were built - some of the sinkholes were a good 30 - 50ft down.

You walk along a boardwalk for a while and then you can begin to hear the sounds of the falling waters.  Upon further investigation you can see that the waterfall falls directly into a sinkhole that is about 100ft from the top.

Further investigation of the park revealed the water supply for the fall.  With the man made Lake and Dam the waterfall will be able to continue to fall for many years to come.

want to check it out for yourself - no problems -

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