
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oak Ridge Shooting Range - Orlando, FL

Recently my girlfriends and i wanted to try something new - something that most of us had never done before and i heard an advertisement for a local gun range and thought - that sounds like a ton of fun!!  So one Sunday morning we met up for our day of shooting.  Upon entering the facility the gentleman behind the counter greeted us and asked us if we were familiar with the range or if this was our first time.  I explained that this was most of our first times using a weapon - he proceeded to explain how the set up works - you pay $20 to rent a gun (the type of gun doesn't matter and you can swap them out as you shoot) around $15-$20 for the ammunition (we had a revolver so we got 50 bullets) and then $15 for the first shooter on the lane and $10 for each additional person.  You are allowed to however bring in your own gun and therefore reduce your costs.

After receiving our safety briefing we were able to move to the target lanes.  Maximum of 3 people per lane at any time shooting - you can have the rest of the party watch through the plastic window until they are up and then you swap out.

Each person gets there own target.  Upon entering the lane - you have a shelf for the gun and bullets and controls to make the target move backwards and forwards, allowing you to judge how far away you want it to be to shoot at.  We choose around the 15 foot mark.

We had a lot of fun and this is something I would definitely go and do again!!!!

Want to check it our for yourself -

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