
Monday, July 30, 2012

Lukas Nursery/Butterfly Encounter - Oviedo, FL

Upon looking for things to do with the blog I ran across a place in Oviedo that was a nursery where you can go and buy plants, vegetables to grow, statues and anything that would go in your outdoor space.  The cool thing about this nursery is that they also have a Butterfly Encounter.  Entrance into the exhibit was only $5.00 per person and went towards the upkeep.  You are allowed to go in and out as many times as you wanted because the temperature inside the exhibit was like 120 degrees.  

My girlfriend and I meandered in the beautiful plants and many different species of butterflies.  In one area you were allowed to walk inside - dip your finger in Gatorade and they would drink it off your finger.

Finches were another species that hung out in the opposite end of the exhibit - all different types and colors - they were very excited.

After exploring the encounter we choose to walk around the nursery and check out all of the neat things they had for your outdoor space to blossom.

Interested in checking out more information? Directions?

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