
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Busch Gardens - Tampa, FL

Over the Thanksgiving holiday we decided that we wanted to do something a little different so we got up early and drove to Tampa and spent the day at Busch Gardens.  We had been there once before in May for my son's birthday and received the buy one day come back the rest of the year passes so we figured what the heck let's go.  Neither my fiancee or son are real big roller coaster riders so there was only one that I really wanted to ride, since it was newly opened and that was the cheetah hunt.  It was an exciting ride with tons of twists and turns and I really enjoyed it. 


As Busch Gardens is a large theme park and I usually blog about the Unknown aspects I am going to show you some of the animals we saw walking around the park more so than the known things around. The rest of the day we spent wondering around checking out the animals.

In Walkabout Way you get to feed the Kangaroos - it costs between $3 & $5 for the food, but it is so worth it.  The Kangaroos are very friendly and so soft to touch. 

As Busch Gardens is a large theme park and I usually blog about the Unknown aspects I am going to show you some of the animals we saw walking around the park more so than the known things around.

If you would like to visit Busch Gardens yourself check out this link for more information -