
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kennedy Space Center - Titusville, FL

I have always wanted to visit the Kennedy Space Center ( from the time I was a small child and decided that I wanted to go and see what it was all about.  Duane, the kids, his brother in law Dan and daughter Harleigh and I all planned to go down for the day.  The prices were pretty reasonable $38/adults and $28/kids.

I was in awe of all the items here.  It was truly remarkable that most of the items we viewed had been used in explorations to space, and their sheer size was amazing.  We really enjoyed the day and I would suggest that everyone go at least once in their lives to explore this amazing place.

Duane and the kids in front of the Shuttle Explorer.

The rocket garden
The launch pad with a shuttle getting ready to go up.

The engines for the Saturn V.  The largest shuttle to ever go up in space.  The pic does not do justice to it's acutual size.

The newest additions to the space program.  Lord help us all.

Duane and the kids hanging out on the moon.

All of the areas you get to explore while at the Space Center.

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